The first thing to do when invited to an Albanian Wedding is to stock up on cash: singles, fives, tens or whatever the currency is at the country the wedding is taking place. This is for the traditional bride-groom dance where all the family and guests go to the dancing couple and give them money, or attach them to the groom’s forehead and his pockets, bride’s hands, or if they are daring or drunk, down her dress. Then the father or a rich cousin usually, “showers” them with money, throwing them over their heads.
It is not the young couple that will benefit from this show, but the band. Years ago, the “throwing money” part was a custom of weddings on mid Albania only, but the bands made it popular with other regions as well. They liked the money so the custom was incorporated into most weddings throughout the country. Years ago, there was only one traditional bride-groom dance as well, but that is also changing, with the band striking up the wedding tune “Napoleon” anytime they feel they need more money.
It is not the young couple that will benefit from this show, but the band. Years ago, the “throwing money” part was a custom of weddings on mid Albania only, but the bands made it popular with other regions as well. They liked the money so the custom was incorporated into most weddings throughout the country. Years ago, there was only one traditional bride-groom dance as well, but that is also changing, with the band striking up the wedding tune “Napoleon” anytime they feel they need more money.
The bride is all in white and expected to greet each and every guest on the living room or the women’s room. Sometimes the men stay in a different room, sometimes not. Sometimes the bride stands the whole time, while the women around her sing. She is not supposed to smile or laugh very much, and sometimes is a very serious woman indeed.
Friday is also the night of the cocktail party or dinner for the closest social circle of the couple. It is more informal and the bride can wear white or other colors as she wishes.
Saturday, it is still visit day, but most importantly it is the bride’s wedding dinner party. All her friends and relatives gather and the groom’s party comes around midnight. The groom’s party must be an odd number. The bride’s father and the groom’s father are usually the one who toast the party and it is advisable to raise the glass and take a sip of whatever you are drinking anytime they do so. Do not toast with water!! Usually you can leave the wedding after 12 at midnight but it is considered offensive to leave before. Same goes for the groom’s wedding dinner party.
Friday is also the night of the cocktail party or dinner for the closest social circle of the couple. It is more informal and the bride can wear white or other colors as she wishes.
Saturday, it is still visit day, but most importantly it is the bride’s wedding dinner party. All her friends and relatives gather and the groom’s party comes around midnight. The groom’s party must be an odd number. The bride’s father and the groom’s father are usually the one who toast the party and it is advisable to raise the glass and take a sip of whatever you are drinking anytime they do so. Do not toast with water!! Usually you can leave the wedding after 12 at midnight but it is considered offensive to leave before. Same goes for the groom’s wedding dinner party.

Weddings are about timeless love, hysterical laughter, radiant smiles, deafening chaos, stifling stress. Most importantly though, a wedding is about the unfolding of a very special story; YOUR story! We strive to document the essence of that story with the unique flavors and subtle nuances that make it truly yours. Our goal is simple yet bold. We want to capture images that will take you back to the special day, helping you re-live the beautiful memories that is wedding =)